Sanitation Questions To Ask Your Makeup Artist

COVID-19 Sanitation Process for Orlando Wedding Hair Stylists and Make Up Artists

The world we lived in prior to COVID-19 expected a high standard of sanitation for our makeup artists and hairstylists. The world we live in now not only expects it, but it demands it! Before you hire your potential artist, find out what their standards for sanitation were previously and how these standards have been tightened. 

COVID-19 Sanitation Process for Orlando Wedding Hair Stylists and Make Up Artists

As weddings have resumed in Central Florida, we have put a strong focus on our health and safety procedures. Safety is our top priority at GAD Artistry while making sure our clients still look and feel their most beautiful. This includes brush and applicator sanitation, wearing a mask at all times when onsite, and removing products from containers to eliminate the risk of introducing foreign bodies.

Sanitation Questions We Suggest Asking Your Makeup Artist or Hairstylist

Are they supplying a freshly cleaned set of brushes for every makeup application?

COVID-19 Sanitation Process for Orlando Wedding Hair Stylists and Make Up Artists

What are they using to wash those brushes? Is it a product that will kill bacteria?

COVID-19 Sanitation Process for Orlando Wedding Hair Stylists and Make Up Artists

Are they using disposable applicators for every mucus membrane to cut down the likely hood of contamination? 

Are they removing products from containers and working from a pallet, to eliminate the likely hood of introducing bacteria into their products?

COVID-19 Sanitation Process for Orlando Wedding Hair Stylists and Make Up Artists

What PPE will my makeup artist or hairstylist be wearing during my appointment?

Have them explain their process so you have an understanding of what you should expect from them. Ask what their expectation is from you as a client. Remember, safety is the responsibility of both you and your makeup artist!

We hope this gives you a few ideas of what to look for in the sanitation process of your makeup artist and hairstylist! Ready to book your hair and makeup services with us? Contact us here!

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